Mayor Becky Daggett | City of Flagstaff
Mayor Becky Daggett | City of Flagstaff
The City Council of Flagstaff, Arizona, is set to deliberate on proposed amendments to the City Code concerning electric vehicle charging rates and fees. The discussion will take place during a public meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 6, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. in the City of Flagstaff Council Chambers located at 211 W. Aspen Avenue.
During this session, a first reading of an ordinance aimed at approving these changes may occur. A subsequent second reading is planned for the following public meeting on Tuesday, May 20, 2025, also at 3:00 p.m., in the same venue.
"The City Council may approve, disapprove, or modify the proposed rates or fees at that time," states the notice.
A written report supporting these proposed rates or fees has been made available for public review. For any inquiries regarding this matter, Danae Presler, Climate Program Manager, can be contacted at (928) 213-2141.
The notice was submitted by Rick Tadder, Management Services Director and posted by Sarah Langley, Public Affairs Director on February 27th. Further details can be accessed through a link titled "Electric Vehicle Charging Rates and Fees Report" on the city's website homepage.